How it works
What is a bang-bang? “It’s where you have a meal at one spot, and then immediately hit up another place…Bang-bang.”
We are putting our spin on a bang-bang. The Burger Bang-Bang objective is to put 6 of the top burger joints in town to the test, for a friendly burger battle. We will compare the classic double cheeseburger (with traditional toppings) at each location.
As a Burger Bang Banger, you must take your time and savor each bite, document with photos, and take your new job seriously…but not too seriously. You should not set out to be the next great food critic; the Bang Bang is all for fun and to support our local restaurants during these challenging times. If you love their burger, tell them with a tip and a post on social!
Spread love and mayonnaise. Now let’s go Bang Bang!
Don’t forget to tag: @Thricepopup on Instagram and the bang-bang challengers as you go and email your packets with ratings to Hello@ThriceExperiences.com
Submit by January 31, 2021, to have your ratings counted.

Meet the Bang Bangers
Judges are self-proclaimed burger connoisseurs, they were not paid to hold a bang bang, they just did it because they LOVE burgers.
“I eat burgers for breakfast.”
Mark - Mayor of Burgtown since 2002
Denver native, Mark Plonkey has been devouring burgers since the ripe young age of 6. His go-to burger is a double cheeseburger with all the toppings. He can eat two double cheeseburgers without question, at any time, any place. His favorite burger spots consist of Culver’s, Freddy’s, and would never pass up a classic McDonald’s burger. His favorite song is “Cheeseburger in Paradise.” Mark reigns as Mayor of Burgtown since 2002.
Abigail Plonkey - Banger in Chief, Bang Bang Maven
Abigail Plonkey is also a Denver native and fell in love with the burger on her 5th birthday at McDonald’s. Known as the “Hamburgler” of the family, her go-to burger is a double cheeseburger with a glass of champagne. She can be bribed with burgers and milkshakes for running errands, doing chores, or unfavorable outings. Her favorite burger is an old fashioned diner burger. Abigail founded the Bang Bang Burger Battle; she takes her role as Banger in Chief very seriously. She reigns as the Denver Bang Bang Maven.
“My last meal would be a burger”

Rating System
Bun - Toasted/soft, buttery, sesame/brioche
cheese - melted, layers, kind of cheese
Toppings - classic toppings/ special
Patty - crispy/juicy, thick/thin?
Condiments - traditional/secret sauce

The Results
Restaurants were selected based on ratings, reviews, and research. Ratings are unbiased and solely based on the criteria as stated above.

Wanna bang Bang too?
Download the rating booklet, print it at home and go out to each restaurant and Bang Bang! As a Bang Banger, you must take your time and savor each bite, document with photos, and take your new job seriously…but not too seriously. You should not set out to be the next great food critic; the Bang Bang is all for fun and to support our local restaurants during these challenging times. If you love their burger, tell them with a tip and a post on social!
Spread love and mayonnaise. Now let’s go Bang Bang!
Don’t forget to tag: @Thricepopup and the bang-bang challengers as you go and email your packets with ratings to Hello@ThriceExperiences.com
Submit by January 31, 2021, to have your ratings counted.
Send us a scan or picture of your rating booklets and follow us @thriceexperiences
to enter to win a gift card.
Next Bang Bang?
Breakfast Burritos
Fried Chicken